Sunday, April 24, 2016

For The Lord's Day

"By far the greatest and most general controversy which Satan has with the saint of God is, to lead him to doubt the ability and the willingness of Christ to save a poor sinner. When the anchor of his soul removed from this truth, he is driven out upon a rough sea of doubt and anguish. He is at the mercy of every wind of doctrine and every billow of unbelief that may assail his storm-tossed bark." ~ Octavius Winslow

Sunday, April 17, 2016

For The Lord's Day

“… our audience in corporate worship is not people. Corporate worship is not about pleasing people, whether ourselves, the congregation, or unbelieving seekers. Worship in the corporate gathering is about renewing our covenant with God by meeting with Him and relating to Him in ways that He has prescribed. We do this specifically by hearing and heeding His Word, confessing our own sinfulness and our dependence on Him, thanking Him for his goodness to us, bringing our requests before Him, confessing His truth, and lifting our voices and instruments to Him in response to and in accord with the way that He has revealed Himself in His Word.”                        -- Mark Dever in The Deliberate Church